Egypt’s Helwan Cement commissioned a WHR-system

HelwanWHR KorraEnergi

Helwan Cement, which is part of Heidelberg Materials Egypt, inaugurated a large US$ 25m waste heat recovery (WHR) system. The WHR system will reduce the CO2 emissions of the plant by 40 kt per year and generate up to 20 MW of clean energy. The Helwan plant was established in 1929, located in Southern Cairo, and operates two production lines. The WHR system will serve both plants with 6 WHR boilers (photo by plant supplier Korra Energi), producing 81 t/h steam at 23 bar and 390°C. The project was selected among the 3 finalists of the ‘Carbon net-zero Initiative of the year’ by the big 5 Egypt Impact Award 2023.