Xinjiang Tianshan Cement, the biggest worldwide cement producer with a capacity of 420 Mta of clinker, plans to make CapEx investments of US$ 2.36 bn in its operations in China and abroad. The company is a member of the CNBM Group and consolidates the building materials operations (photo: CUCC cement plant) under the name ‘New Tianshan’, where CNBM has the majority stake. New Tianshan is in a transition to digital transformation, while improving the operational efficiency and promoting a green and low-carbon sustainable development. However, in 2022 still 30.2 Mta coal were used and about 177.0 Mta scope1 GHG was emitted, leading to 0.612 t CO2/t cement, while the WHR-capacity sank from 1946.5 MW in 2021 to 1873.8 MW, due to kiln line closures.