Cockburn Cement Ltd. (CCL), which is part of ADBRI, started in 2022 the Kwinana upgrade project in Australia. The project targets the transitioning of the cement production from Munster to Kwinana, installing 2 new ball mills with 2 x 100 tph grinding capacity, while keeping the lime production in Munster. The project shall reduce the carbon footprint of the production by 20%. IBAU Hamburg was awarded an EPC-contract for the bulk terminal, which includes 6 finished product storage silos, the truck-out loading facilities with weightbridges as well as the materials transfer system from the grinding mills to the storage silos. Each of the 6 bolted steel silos has a diameter of 14 m, 25 m height and 3,500 t storage capacity to hold 21,000 t of finished products. Commissioning is expected in 2.Q 2024.