India’s Star Cement keeps track with two more grinding units to expand its cement capacity by 4.0 Mta. Today, the company operates 7.7 Mta cement capacity from one integrated cement plant in Meghalaya (photo) (we reported here 24.04.24 about the 3.3 clinker capacity upgrade) and two grinding plants, one 2.0 Mta unit in Siliguri, West Bengal and one 4.0 Mta unit in Guwahati in Assam. The company has one upcoming project in FY 26 with a 2.0 Mta grinding unit in Silcar in Assam and a planned 2.0 Mta grinding unit in Jorhat, also in Assam. The company plans to take the cement capacity to about 12 Mta by FY27.