Tag Decarbonization

Capsol Technologies installs CC unit in Baltic States

Schwenk Broceni

Capsol Technologies installed its CapsolGo® unit at the Akmenes cement plant of the Schwenk Group in Lithuania (Baltic States). The demonstration unit will provide carbon capture (CC) data using Capsol’s HPC-based CapsolEoP® (End-of-the-Pipe) technology which shall offer lower energy consumption with…

Cemex in the UK invests in clean hydrogen technology


Cemex announced an initial industrial scale hydrogen project at its Rugby cement plant in the UK. Hydrogen has emerged as a low-carbon energy source within the construction industry’s decarbonization roadmap. The technology will be provided by HiiROC, the pioneering British…

Greece’s Titan Group and Ecocem co-develop ACT cement

Ecocem ACT2

Titan Cement in Greece and Ecocem, a leader in low-carbon cement technologies, will partner for the development of innovative low-carbon cements in Europe. The companies aim to co-develop and deploy a version of Ecocem’ ACT cement for application by Titan. ACT…

Çimsa’s decarbonisation in Türkiye supported by IFC

Cimsa Mersin Plant

The IFC announced a US$ 70m green loan to Çimsa Çimento in Türkiye to support its ambitious decarbonization projects. The loan will help to fund Çimsa’s decarbonization (photo: Mersin cement plant), which include energy efficiency investments, clinker reduction and the…