Cameroon’s cement production +3.2% in 9M 2024
In the first 9 months in 2024, Cameroon’s cement production increased by +3.2% to 3.21 Mt, after 3.11 Mt in the same period last year and 3.15 Mt in the year before.
In the first 9 months in 2024, Cameroon’s cement production increased by +3.2% to 3.21 Mt, after 3.11 Mt in the same period last year and 3.15 Mt in the year before.
Despite the latest cement capacity additions in Cameroon, the cement production in the 1.Q 2024 only slightly increased by +2.9%, compared to the same period last year. In the 1.Q 2024, about 1.08 Mt were produced, of which only a…
In 2023, Cameroon produced 4.14 Mta of cement, after 4.10 Mta in 2022. This corresponds to an increase of +1.0%, which is almost a stagnation. After a decline in the 2.Q and 3.Q, the production recovered in the 4.Q. The…
Cimpor Global Holdings, which is a JV of the OYAK Group and Taiwan Cement is commissioning their 2nd clay calcining plant. The plant is located in Cameroon in the Sea Port of Kribi and uses the flash calcining technology to…