Tag South Asia

India’s Adani Group buys Penna Cement

Penna IntegratedPlant 1

India’s Adani Group will acquire Penna Cement for Rs 10,422 crore. The deal includes the purchase of 100% shares of Penna Cement Industries Ltd (PCIL) from its current owners, P Pratap Reddy and family. PCIL has an operational cement production…

India’s Sagar Cement will upgrade 3 cement plants

SagarCement Dachepalli2

India’s Sagar Cement will upgrade three cement plants to increase its cement capacity from 10.5 Mt to 12.0 Mt mainly with upgrades and through debottlenecking. The Dachepalli plant which is part of subsidiary Andrah Cement (photo) will be expanded from…

Pakistan’s local cement dispatch -9.0% 4M 2024

Pakistan Loc Disp 4m 2024

From January to April 2024, Pakistan’s local cement dispatch (which is a benchmark of the consumption) declined by -9.0% to 11.890 Mt, after 13.064 Mt in the same period last year. Two years before, the local dispatch has been 15.442…

India’s UltraTech with IKN’s 14th cooler installation

IKN Cooler Kukurdih

IKN India announced that they successfully commissioned the 14th cooler installation at UltraTech Cement. The IKN Pendulum clinker cooler (photo: cooler section) has been supplied to the Kukurdih greenfield cement plant in Sarkpar, Chhattisgarh, which has a capacity of 3.5…