Tag W.-Europe

Cemex and Alba signed JV on biochar in Germany

ALBA und Cemex starten Joint Venture

Cemex Deutschand has signed a JV with recycling service provider ALBA Group for the construction of a biochar production plant in Germany. The facility will be located in the Rüdersdorf cement plant close to Berlin and produce biochar from a…

Titan Group in Greece and Sinoma CBMI signed MoU

Titan Albania1

TITAN Group in Greece and Sinoma CBMI have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance technological innovations towards net zero. The MoU outlines collaboration areas such as low-carbon fuel technologies, digital spare parts warehousing, modular grinding solutions, cooler technologies…

Groundbreaking of the CCU-Project in Lengfurt, Germany

HM Werk lengfurt 2691a

Heidelberg Materials and Linde are building the world’s first large-scale CCU facility in the Lengfurt cement plant in Germany. With the ‘Capture-to-Use’-project (CAP2U), the two companies have established a joint venture to build and operate a carbon capture and liquefaction…