This is a sample of the Vietnam Data of April 2023.
The data is constantly updated, twice per year.

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Fast Facts about the Global Cement Market

The ‘Fast Facts’ blog covers information that is used in our CCF2Up cement market report. This includes information on the production and consumption, imports and exports (net trade), per capita consumption (PCC), capacity expansion projects, capacity utilization, decarbonisation and other ‘green’ projects.
Information that you will find here has been verified by us (Disclaimer). Latest information comes first. Older information can also be found in the tags.

We started our "Fast Facts" in June 2023 with a topic about Heidelberg Materials in the USA. Until now, we published 935 "Fast Facts" blogs.
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Cement Market Report

What is the CCF2Up Cement Market Report?

CCF2Up is an in-depth cement market report and analysis about the international cement market with 130 cement countries covered.
The Market Report is in Windows Excel-format and updated in regular intervals of 2 Updates per year (each April and October).

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