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First fully decarbonized cement project in Germany


Heidelberg Materials’ newly launched GeZero carbon capture and storage (CCS) project will fully decarbonise cement production at the company’s Geseke plant in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The CCS project is supported by the EU Innovation Fund and aims to capture 700,000…

Cement market in Brazil is in a slight decline

Brazil 1H2023

In Brazil the cement market in 1.H 2023 could not fulfill its growth expectations. The cement dispatch, which also includes a small number of cement exports, declined in the first half 2023 from 30.832 Mt by -1.8% to 30.268 Mt…

Cimpor Portugal to install first Pyrorotor® in Portugal

KHD Pyrorotor 300pdi 12.5x7 2

The project is intended to increase the capacity at the Alhandra plant from 3000tpd to 3600tpd, as well as allowing thermal substitution rates of more than 80%. It includes the first installation of KHD’s innovative Pyrorotor® alternative fuel combustion reactor…

Khayah cement grinding plant commissioned

Khayah Cement1 1

A new cement grinding plant has been commissioned by Khayah Cement (formerly Lafarge Cement and Circle Cement) in Manresa, Zimbabwe. A vertical roller mill (VRM) has been installed, which boosted the plants cement capacity to about 1.0 Mta.