Tag Africa

Cement dispatch massively declined in Nigeria

NigeriaCement 1

The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has disclosed that during the first half of 2023 the cement sales dropped by a substantial 30 percent. The Association attributed the decline to the government’s replacement of the Naira with a new central…

1 Mta Cement grinding plant installed in Rwanda

AnJiaCement Rwanda1

Beginning of August 2023 the AnJia Cement Factory installed a new grinding plant in the Muhanga Industrial park, Southern Province, Rwanda. The AnJia Cement Factory was built by AnJia Prefabricated Construction Rwanda Co Ltd, a subsidiary of West International Holding,…

National Cement to open clinker plant in Kenya

National Cement Kenya

Kenya-based National Cement Co. Ltd. (NCCL), which is part of the Devki Group, manufacturing Simba Cement will open a new 2.5 Mta clinker plant in September 2023. The plant which is located in West Pokot is a long-term project and…

Derba Midroc awarded Sinoma with a new contract

Derba Midroc factory

The Ethiopian cement producer Derba Midroc awarded Sinoma with a US$ 291m contract for the design and supply of a 5000 tpd new kiln line in Derba, Oromiya state in Ethiopia. The first cement products are expected to start rolling…

Khayah cement grinding plant commissioned

Khayah Cement1 1

A new cement grinding plant has been commissioned by Khayah Cement (formerly Lafarge Cement and Circle Cement) in Manresa, Zimbabwe. A vertical roller mill (VRM) has been installed, which boosted the plants cement capacity to about 1.0 Mta.