Tag Heidelberg Materials

Groundbreaking of the CCU-Project in Lengfurt, Germany

HM Werk lengfurt 2691a

Heidelberg Materials and Linde are building the world’s first large-scale CCU facility in the Lengfurt cement plant in Germany. With the ‘Capture-to-Use’-project (CAP2U), the two companies have established a joint venture to build and operate a carbon capture and liquefaction…

Heidelberg Materials will close two plants in France

HC CimentsCalcia beffes041 1

Heidelberg Materials France plans a restructuring that would result in the closure of the two cement plants in Beffes (photo) and Villiers-au-Bouin in Indre-et-Loire. 170 employees are affected by the plant closures in 2025. The decision comes amid a significant…

Heidelberg in Italy reduces scope2 CO2 emissions

Heidelberg Italy

Heidelberg Materials in Italy announced a power purchase agreement (PPA) with OX2, a leading independent power producer from renewable sources. The PPA will last for 7 years, starting in 2025 for an annual electricity supply of 36.6 to 51.2 GWh.…

Heidelberg Materials CCS-project in Airvault, France

Airvault cement plant after modernisation

Heidelberg Materials updated information about the Airvault GOCO2 project in France. In the Airvault cement plant the existing 2 semi-wet kilns are replaced with a new 4000 tpd kiln line from German plant supplier thyssenkrupp Polysius by 2025. The new…

Green light for CCU-project in Lengfurt in Germany

HM Werk lengfurt 2691a

Heidelberg Materials received the building permit for its Cap2U (Capture-to-Use) project in the Lengfurt cement plant in Germany. The carbon capture and use (CCU) system is based on an amine scrubber technology developed for the exhaust gas stream from cement…

Heidelberg Materials’ Anthemis CCS project in Belgium


Heidelberg Materials intends to equip the recently modernized Antoing plant of its Belgian subsidiary (known as CBR) with an innovative hybrid carbon capture unit. The Anthemis CCS project, established in January 2023, shall reduce the CO2 emission by 97%, equivalent…