Tag CIS Countries

Russia’s annual cement production up by +3.5%

Russia Pro Annual 2023

Russia’s cement production continued its growth with an increase by +3.5% to 62.851 Mta in 2023 and 60.665 Mta in 2022. The cement capacity utilization of the plants under operation increased from 70.5% in 2022 to 73.1% in 2023.

Uzbekistan’s annual cement production increased

Uzbekistan Pro Annual 2023

In 2023, in Uzbekistan the preliminary cement production increased by 3.6%, after -2,6% last year. However these data only relate to the production by the large enterprises. The total preliminary cement production figure in 2023 for the country is 14.91…

Russia’s cement trade largely improved

Russia CemTrade 11m 2023

In Russia, in the period from January to November 2023, the cement trade largely improved, despite sanctions by the West. The accumulated exports improved by 6.3% YoY to 0.971 Mt, while the accumulated cement imports even increased by 50.8%, YoY…