Tag Holcim

Holcim invests in its US flagship cement plant

Holcim St Genevieve

Holcim announced to invest US$ 100m in its flagship cement plant in St. Genevieve in Missouri, USA. The plant operates one the largest single-kiln lines in the world. The investment will expand the plant’s current state-of-the-art production and logistics capabilities…

Holcim has identified 11 CCUS flagship projects

Holcim CCUS1

At the moment, Holcim is exploring 50 projects globally to capture 5 million tons of CO2 by 2030. Among these are 11 large-scale CCUS flagship projects for the carbon capture, utilization (mineralization) and storage. Some of the largest projects are…

Turboden supplies ORC-WHR to the UAE

Turboden ORC2

LEC of the Holcim Group, selected the Italian firm for the installation of a 10 MWe waste heat recovery (WHR) system in its cement plant at Fujairah in the UAE. Based on a closed-loop thermodynamic cycle, the Organic Rankine Cycle…

Holcim received a grant for Koromacno plant in Croatia

Holcim Koromacno

Holcim Croatia, part of building materials producer Holcim, announced that EU Innovation Fund will co-finance its 237 million euro (US$266 million) decarbonisaton project. The KODeCo net zero CO2 project will capture and store about 360000 tons CO2 annually from the…